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Movie Details

Genres: Action Science Fiction Thriller

Year of Release: 1992

IMDb Rating: 4.5/10 (854 votes)

Plot: Set in the future, a group of terrorists with an android leader storm a hospital when the President's daughter is inside, taking her hostage. To find a way of freeing her, the police decide to consult the architect who designed the building, but he's currently in jail for some crime, and the punishment of the future is to be frozen solid for one's sentence. The cops accidentally thaw out the wrong guy, a football player who decides to keep the mistake a secret and help the police in exchange for his freedom. Will he be able to defeat the terrorists and rescue the hostages, despite not knowing the first thing about architecture?

Actors: Martin Kove, Meg Foster, Frank Zagarino, Joss Ackland, Paul Koslo, Ricco Ross, Raymond Evans, Robert Freeman, Kim Huffman, Andrew Lamond, John Chancer, Robert Jezek, Angie Hill, John Pasternack, John Guerrasio, Brian Jackson, Liza Ross, Steve Elm, Michael Morris, David Oliver, John Friend, Angela White, Patrick Brown, Valentina Suminouski, John Prosser

Studio: North American Releasing

Directors: John Eyres

MPAA Rating: R

Premiered: 1992-07-02


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